
Monday, January 28, 2013


"Blake! Come look outside! What do you see?"
(gasp) "It's snowing!"
"Should we go play in it after Trevor wakes up?"

Sidewalk snow angel. That's right. He's sporting snow bibs with less than an inch of snow on the ground.

Trevor getting in on the action (while strapped to my chest and covered with a blanket).

I know you're dying to know where I got my outfit. Here ya go:
Beanie: gift from brother-in-law's wife
Coat: this is Evan's coat...from our closet
large brown mass coming out of top of coat: Trevor wrapped in a blanket

I know I look absolutely ridiculous. And if I didn't know that, the people who stared at me as they passed us on the sidewalk sure confirmed it. In my defense, Evan's coat is the only one I can wear that will zip around Trevor. And, frankly, I'm not trying to look decent when I take my children outside for 15 minutes to play in the snow.

1 comment:

vdg family said...

You look like you're a super fun mom! :)