
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

Thursday, August 2, 2012


With Evan's parents and brother coming to town, we got to spend 6 days being tourists and showing his family the ins and outs of city life. It was incredibly fun and just as exhausting!

Natural History Museum
Looking for Blake

Found him!
Didn't want to be found.

Woody and Jessie at FAO Schwarz
Beau as an Astronaut

THE Big Piano


Jane's Carousel in DUMBO
Pretty good pizza!

Brooklyn Bridge
Flying through the air

"Yzma, put your hands in the air!"

Grandpa and Blake

Shore Promenade
9/11 Memorial

Not too sure about all these pictures
Blake thought Lady Liberty was Jesus' mom. Haha!

Secrets on Liberty Island

Playing "chase you"
Fun on Ellis Island

We had a lot of fun running around the city, taking it all in. We will also be taking the whole month of August to recuperate! 

(Did you notice how I stopped trying to arrange the pictures nicely towards the end? That's because blogger makes it impossible for you to do so. Extremely annoying.)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I think I'm going to have to teach Evan how to recognize when a picture of me is not going to be flattering. 
At all.

Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch better.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ah, the smells of summer

Rotting trash baking in the sun

Dog poop that an owner thought was ok to leave in the middle of the sidewalk

Cigarette smoke

Ethnic food wafting out apartment windows

Urine-y subway platforms (ok, that's kind of all the time)

The smells of a Brooklyn summer. It's a miracle I haven't passed out from holding my breath as I walk down the sidewalk.

(Ok so there are some good smells, too...probably. It just seems like these days I only notice the really horrid ones.)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Dear summer,

I knew you were back in my life when the temperatures started reaching the low 90's. Then those mornings came when I walked outside and felt like I needed another shower and it wasn't even 10 o'clock yet. I was on to you. You and your high temperatures and ridiculous humidity.

Oh don't you think I've forgotten for a second how miserable we were when you were around last year. Sweating all day and sweating all night. We couldn't even enjoy going outside because there would be no relief when we got home. Just more sweating.

And I'm sure you thought you were going to waltz in again and make life borderline unbearable for a few months. But not this year.

Look, I don't know how to say this. It's just that it's so hard to muster the energy to do anything when you are around making it so uncomfortable inside and out. So...we bought something. Something that you're not gonna like. His name is Ken(wood). And he's amazing.

He arrived a few days ago and there's no chance he's going anywhere. At least not while you're around.

We hang out during nap time.

We laugh together at how ridiculously awesome it feels to be inside our apartment on a blazing hot day.

We goof off a lot, too.

So, I'm sorry summer. I know without you we wouldn't get to go swimming outside or run through the sprinklers at the playground. But I just couldn't be miserable another year. In fact, I think Ken(wood) might have a funny way of bringing us closer together.
