
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Seeing New York-Coney Island

I've decided I don't like crowds.
Actually, I don't like crowds when I have a baby in tow. So visiting Coney Island on Memorial Day probably wasn't the best idea I've ever had. Well at least that's what I thought when I snapped this picture. But seeing as how pretty much anywhere worth going in NYC is going to be crowded, I can't let a few thousand half naked people stop me from enjoying all this place has to offer.

Once we got to the boardwalk, we strolled down to the New York Aquarium. It was my goal to keep Blake out of the sun as much as possible because our essentially bald baby refuses to wear a hat and with one bout of heat rash behind us, the heat and direct sunlight worry me when it comes to Blake. 
At first I thought the tickets to the aquarium were a little steep ($14.95 for adults, probably $10 for kids. I can't remember exactly, but it didn't cost anything for Blake. Oh, and Fridays after 3pm are pay-what-you-wish!). But afterwards I thought it was well worth the price to see Blake mesmerized by everything. 

 Apparently I was a little mesmerized too.

 We were able to catch the last live sea animal show of the day which was a lot of fun!


Blake even got to high five a walrus! 
After our visit to the aquarium, we made our way down to the beach.
And of course Blake had to stop and play with the guys.

Oh and did I mention Tori tagged along for this little adventure? 

We didn't really do much else at Coney Island and there is so much more to do! Chances are we'll be visiting Coney Island again in the near future. Maybe next time we'll get a hot dog from Nathan's!


Lindsay said...

No way -- WE went to Coney Island and the Aquarium yesterday, too!! How in the world did we miss each other? Oh yeah...the crowds. :) Glad you had fun!

Oh, and next time you want to go to the aquarium (or any of the zoos, for that matter), take me with you -- my membership allows for free entry for a guest!

Losing Brownies said...

The aquarium looks like a lot of fun! The Boy won't wear a hat either and it's frustrating when we are out in the sun. I always worry he's going to get sunburned on the top of his head because his hair is so thin and blond.

Tori Wilding said...

it. was. hot. But I had a great time!